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Hey New Sabre Families, 

We are excited to share with you all that very soon we will be sending invitations to you, to sign up and have access to ES Laird's Edsby Parent Portal!  

Edsby's Parent Portal is designed to meet the needs of K-12 parents with tools that are purpose-built to help parents to review their child’s academic progress and stay up-to-date on school and classroom announcements. Some of the tools that Edsby's Parent Portal provides its parents with are as follows: - ability to enter student absences - ability to see completed assessment grades- ability to see overdue or incomplete assessments - ability to see upcoming assessments and the due dates- ability to see report cards
Edsby is yet another tool to help keep our parents connected and involved in their children's experience as a lifelong learner here at ES Laird. Please watch for your invitation and additional instructions very soon as we hope to get everyone signed up and using Edsby's Parent Portal to help support our students and their success. 

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